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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

And Here I Am…

And Here I Am...

My name is Cosa Aranda and this is my (not too) personal blog :)

I own a personal blog network, named FunPonsel Network. Don’t ask me why I choose that name because I have it by accident :p I was using the domain for an cell phone affiliate program (cell phone is ponsel in Indonesian), but then I give up on it as I didn’t know how to promote, SEO, and stuff at that time. So I simply dumped it and use the domain for blogging.

And that’s how the FunPonsel Network name came up. It wouldn’t make sense if I’m using domain but I named my network “CowMedia” or “BlogJersey” or else. Right?

As you can see, now I have 7 blogs in the network. Some are frequently updated, some near dead :p I may close any of those blogs in the future, and also may open some more blogs. Who knows? But for now, I do love all of them. I’m going to try my best not to shut any of them.

My main problem is, classic. I don’t have time to manage them all :( I’m not a full-time blogger yet, and having to update 7 blogs everyday could kill me. I don’t have a strict blogging scheduled either (yeah, I should have one). So well…

Alright, enough rant :)

Anyway, I’ll write about my blogging experience in this blog. And since I’m “doing businness” here, you will see many income (or loss) report often. Bear with it. I always looking for a fun way to keep track of my earning, and I guess blogging about it is the solution.

Personally, I don’t expect this blog to get much traffic. But if somehow you come and visit this blog, welcome and have fun reading my blog :)

Artikel ini ditulis oleh Cosa Aranda dan pertama kali dipublikasikan pada tanggal 26 October 2005. Artikel bebas untuk didistribusikan ulang untuk keperluan non-komersil selama mencantumkan nama penulis dan sumber artikel serta tidak merubah separuh atau seluruh bagian dari isi.

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